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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:56 am

Welcome to Gear's Forum RPG system (Alpha 0.0.1)
This is an attempt to create a comprehensive, yet relatively fast and free flowing RPG system suitable to Forum use with players across multiple time zones who don't want to wait hours for the GM to get back to them with the results of their actions.

It's built from bits of Palladium, Eclipse Phase, Fallout, and some D20.

I'll be talking about the basic structure of the game a bit here so you can have some context later on in the character creation, combat, and other sections.

First, Dice.

Primarily, we'll be using D100 nearly all the time and with some D6 and maybe some D20.

Success' will be determined by D100 nearly all the time.

The closer the dice is to your target number, the poorer the result.

Say that you need a 54 to pass a skill check, and you roll a 53. That's a success. But say that you roll a 12 when you need a 54, then that's a better success than the 53 would be.

Same for CRITICALs really, the further away from your target number you are, the better the result will generally be.

Criticals will be doubles (11, 22, 33, 44, etc),
The Critical hit range from CRITICAL Excellent Success (1), CRITICAL Success/CRITICAL Failure, CRITICAL Severe Failure (99)

Skills and such will be covered in their own section, but gist of it is that you add up your skill, modifiers, and then subtract the Difficulty Challenge (DC) of the action, and if the result is a positive number less than 100, that is the chance you have of successfully completing it.

Then you need to roll a number less than that to succeed.

Example: With your skill level and modifiers, you have a skill level of 89. The DC is 40. This leaves you with a 49% chance of successfully performing the action, so you need to roll 49 or lower on a D100 to succeed.

But even you get a number over 100, you still have to roll, and if you roll a 99, then you fail. Granted, if you had over a 100, then it will be probably be a mild failure, as you'd need another 99 for it to be a CRITICAL failure.

If it's a negative number, that means that it would take a miracle for you to succeed in this task.

You can roll, but if you roll anything other than 1, you'll automatically get a CRITICAL Severe Failure.

For vs., such as attacks against defense, both sides do their modifiers + D100, and the highest number wins. Unless someone rolls either a 1 or 99.

D6 will mostly just be for random number generation, such as determining attributes.

Haven't made any decisions on D20's yet, may use them as shortcut dice if there is a need for a lot of D6.

Non-combat turns of the game are done in days.

Days will be numbered so all can keep track on when they are. Day 33, 84, etc.

A day is made up of 24 hours, split into 2 hour 'actions'. Now, 8 hours is needed for sleep, and another 2 hours is required for personal activities, such as eating, getting dressed, bathroom breaks, etc.

This leaves you with 14 hours, or 7 actions, per day.

There are many activities you can use your actions on, from skill and attribute improvement to entertainment, the two main activities that players can use these actions on are Production Points (PP), and Research Points (RP).

Production Points use your Agility skill to determine how much work you can perform per action.

If you have Production tools, you can use (Agility skill x 10 per action).

A fully equipped workshop allows you to use (Agility skill x 100 per action).

With Production Equipment, such as Automated General Manufacturing Equipment, you can produce (Agility x 1000) per action, but can not exceed the daily PP limit of the Equipment.

When working with a Dedicated Assembly line, thanks to the heavy automation of such devices and them only making a single product, you can manage (Agility x 10,000) per action, but cannot exceed the daily PP limit of the Equipment.

All Production Actions consume 3 END and 1 SAN each.

Research Points work similarly, but use your Intelligence.

With basic tools (notepads, rulers, scales, etc.), you can research (INT x 10 per action)

With Basic Research Equipment (omnitool, portable comp, portable chemistry kit, etc), you can research (INT x 100) per action, but can not exceed the daily limit of your equipment.

With Good Research Equipment (Basic Lab and such) you can research (INT x 100) per action, but cannot exceed the daily limit of your equipment.

With a Dedicated Research Lab (Large Lab, Computers, High End Testing Equipment, etc.) you can research (INT x 1000), but cannot exceed the daily RP limit of your equipment.

Research Actions consume 3 Sanity and 1 Endurance each.

Other time consuming actions, such as meetings, travel times, shopping, etc. are up to the GM to decide how many actions they require, and what their costs will be. Other things may require actions, such as physical or skill training.

You'll also need to take Sleep/Relaxation/Entertainment actions occasionally to recharge your Sanity points,

Sleeping in a comfortable bed for 8 hours, (4 actions) regenerates 12 points to every stat, or 3 points per sleep. 8 hours of sleep is also a requirement for most characters, barring species exceptions, quirks, or perks. Not getting your needed sleep can have negative affects on your stats over time.

Sleeping for less than 8 hours at a time (or however long you actually need) only regens 2 points to every stat per action of sleep.

In makeshift sleeping conditions (Sleeping bag, couch, floor with blanket and pillow) you only regenerate 1 point per Sleep Action.

In terrible conditions (ditches, hard floor with no blankets/pillows, leaning against a wall in full armor, etc.) you only get 0.5 points an action unless you have the perk 'Soldier's Nap", which allows you to treat any sleep condition as makeshift, or the "Like a Cat" perk, which allows you to sleep anywhere, anytime, and treat it like a comfortable bed.

Most relaxation will restore between 2 to 5 points to appropriate stats, depending on the relaxation activity.

Armed Conflict has three modes, No Contest, Quick Combat and Full Combat.

No Contest is where there is no chance you can lose outside of pure dumb bad luck.

Such as a 5 member player party in full armor and weapons, vs a half dozen thugs with baseball bats and a couple of cheap pistols.

There's really no contest there, so unless you roll a 99 and hilariously fail in some way, you automatically win.

Roll a 1, and the enemy gang will defeat themselves through epic failure.

Quick Combat is used by GM's to do large fights against medium mooks that you're party can't just effortlessly blow through, but would end up in dice roll hell trying to get through it, and when there are just to many separate fights that are dragging the game down.

Such as your player's four man super squad vs. three dozen lightly armored mercs armed with light weapons. They're a real, if minor threat, but it would take days, perhaps even weeks in a forum environment to get through the fight do to all the accuracy rolls, dodge rolls, damage rolls, etc.

For Quick Combat, the Player team makes up a Team Short Card, with their total initiative (Average AGI + modifiers + D100), Attack score (Weapon skills and modifiers for the weapons the team is using, averaged, along with Ranged or Melee damage of the party, whichever is highest for each character), action points, defense score (Dodge [AGI + D100], shields, and armor averaged for all players), and Averaged hit points.

Those stats are the average stats for each party member of the teams. They are then all added together into the Team Score.

The GM makes one up for the enemy team, and then combat proceeds with initiative roll between the two to see who goes first, then one attacks (Attack score + 1/2 of the AP score + D100), then defends (Defense score + 1/2 AP + D100).

Attackers roll Attack, Defenders roll Defense. If one side rolls a critical, then their roll is doubled.

If the Attacker rolls higher, then the difference between them will be taken out of the Defenders Hitpoints. The turns will go back and forth like this until one side either decides they've had enough and try to disengage, or are all killed.

Once a team's HP goes down by a members HP, then that team loses a player, and his stats from the Team Score. As with the example of a 30 member merc team above, if they take enough damage to equal one merc's worth of averaged HP, then one of the mercs goes down, and 1/30th of the total attack/defense power of the team is removed.

For each player that goes down, roll a D20 to see if they are lightly wounded (Rolls 10-20, 50% health, one injured limb), Heavily Wounded (5-10, 25% HP, 1D6 injured limbs), Critically Wounded (2-4, player has gone into negative hitpoints starting at 0 HP, roll a 1D6 every turn, losing 1 HP until a 6 is rolled. If -10 HP is reached, the player is dead., 1D6 wounded limbs, 1D6 internal damage) or dead (1, Boom, Headshot)

A team can take a -50% penalty to their attack roll to suppress the enemy and retrieve a downed player and administer medical attention (be sure to always carry med-kits), which will double their damage/survival rolls with anything over twenty being merely dazed by a close call.

If the downed player rolls a 1 (Boom, Headshot), then they must roll a D100, and get a 1 to miraculously survive.

Quick combat continues until the GM feels that the NPC team either dies, attempts to retreats, or they ask the Players if they want their team to attempt to retreat or fight to the death.

After combat, if the player team has taken casualties/deaths, each player takes a number, and a custom dice is rolled for each dead/injured team member. The GM will roll for each injured/dead team member in turn, and who's number comes up ends up being that injured/dead team member.

This allows the GM to quickly resolve fights with minimum input from players and keep the game flowing.

Full Combat uses turns and action points and should be reserved for major battles in the game, along with boss style enemies.

Action Points are used to attack, move, and for minor and major actions, such as throwing grenades, opening doors, etc.

Minor actions such as looking around, saying one word, making a gesture, pressing a button, etc. take one AP.

Melee attacks, such as punching, stabbing, cutting, slicing, etc. take two AP

Ranged Attacks for small one handed weapons take three AP, Two handed Weapons take 4 AP, and Heavy Weapons take 6 AP.

Special Actions, such as Aiming take double the AP of the Weapon being used, but gives a +25 to accuracy.

Moving is ultimately up to the GM, but each AP should move you roughly two steps. Terrain will determine availability of cover and distance between cover.

Hacking/Bypass takes a full uninterrupted turn. Unless you have a special perk and/or ability to change this. If you have to dodge though, the attempt has failed and you have to start over again. But you can choose to tank the damage and hope that you don't get incapacitated enough to stop working.

Other actions are up to the GM to decide AP use.

Combat begins when two or more hostile characters come in contact. Each character has a turn, order determined by PER + modifiers + D100.

Once that is done, high initiative characters goes first, attacking, defending, trying to run away, etc. in order.

Character Creation

There are two methods of Character Creation, The easy Short Card and the more involved Long Card method.

The Short Card is a simplified version of the Long Card method, with only two attributes, Physical and Mental, that are used for all your attribute checks. They also represent your END and SAN as relating to how much work you can do per day.

In character creation for Short Card characters, you use the Physical and Mental attributes in place of the specific attributes of the Long Card characters.

This has it's benefits and drawbacks, as with only two stats, you're working off an average score for your stats. Your not bad at anything, but you're not particularly good at anything either.

It's also harder to improve your stats as you're really raising all four of the physical or mental stats at once, meaning that attribute costs and maintenance actions needed are multiplied by 4 for Short Card characters.

But, that's the price you pay for doing less math. So on to Short Card character creation!

1. To roll up your Short Card character, first you need to roll up your two attributes.

First, choose your race, age group, etc to determine how many D6 you can roll for attributes.

Standard Human Player Character is 4D6. For Short Card Players, roll two 4D6, and assign the scores to your Mental and Physical Attributes.

2. Hitpoints, Action Points, and Dodge rating.

Double your Physical Attribute for both of these, while copying your Physical Attribute for the Dodge Rating.

1. Yous iz S.P.E.C.I.A.L.S.!

The first step in creating a Long Card character is to roll-up the 8 attributes:


Strength (STR): This is the raw physical power of a character.
The STR times 10 indicates how heavy an object (in kilograms)
the character can carry. A character can lift 30 times the STR
Exceptionally strong characters, having a STR of 15-19, can carry 20
times their STR. and lift 40 times their STR Someone with a STR
of 20-23 can carry 30 times their STR and lift 60 times their STR
Anyone with a STR of 24 or higher, can carry 50 times their STR
and lift 100 times their STR Any character with a STR of 17 or
better, receives an extra point of melee damage, and another point of
melee damage per two points of STR after that.
Perception (PER): How well you notice things, discover what doesn't
fit the pattern, etc. Natural Detectives, with an PER of 17 or
better, receives +1 to PER skills, and another point of
PER skills per two points of PER after that.
Endurance (END): Demonstrates the character's stamina
and durability. The amount of physical punishment, and resistance
to fatigue and disease, are determined by END A character can carry
the maximum weight load (see STR) for the END times 4 minutes.
Carrying the maximum weight while running or fighting can only
be done for the END times 2 minutes. If a character lifts the maximum
weight (see STR), then it can only be held for as many turns
(15 seconds each) as the character has points of END A character
can run at maximum speed for one minute for each point of END
Charisma (CHA): Shows the character's personal charm and
charisma. Natural leaders, with an CHA of 17 or
better, receives +1 to social skills, and another point of
social skills per two points of CHA after that.
Intelligence (INT): Indicates the intelligence of the character.
The exact I.Q. is equal to the INT attribute multiplied times
ten. Natural Genius', with an INT of 17 or
better, receives +1 to INT skills, and another point of
INT skills per two points of INT after that.
Agility (AGL): Shows the degree of dexterity and agility
of the character. Natural Gymnasts, with an AGL of 17 or
better, receives +1 to AGL skills, and another point of
AGL skills per two points of AGL after that.
Looks (LKS): Is an indication of the physical attractiveness
of the character. Natural Models, with an LKS of 17 or
better, receives +1 to LKS skills, and another point of
LKS skills per two points of LKS after that.
Sanity (SAN): Measures the amount of mental and emotional
stress the character can withstand. Sanity works a bit different
than other attributes. Sanity is primarily consumed by daily actions
and combat.

Example Race: Humans
Average Children use 1D6, Average teenagers use 2D6, average adults use 3D6 to roll their attributes.
Humans get +2 to END, and -2 to STR

Player Characters, professionals, and highly trained people are all considered above average.

At the discretion of the GM, you may have a 'phantom D6', where you roll an extra D6, and discard the lowest number.

If an attribute is 'exceptional', meaning within the number of dice of the maximum score you can get with your dice, then you can roll an additional dice and add it to the attribute. If you roll a 6 on that exceptional dice roll, then you may roll again, and again until you stop rolling 6's.

For every exceptional Dice you roll, add +1 to all rolls related to that attribute.

A basic soldier rolls 3d6 for his stats. That means he can have a maximum of 18, and if he gets anything over 15 (18-3), he can roll an exceptional attribute dice.

If he rolls a 6, then he gets an additional exceptional roll, and it keeps going as long as he keeps rolling 6's.

Now we also have Paragon and Renegade points, because this game system was designed for an Mass Effect game.

Pretty self explanatory, you get paragon and renegade points for your actions, and the GM uses them as a guide for conversation options, actions, opportunities, and of course, interrupts.

This represents your general reputation and karmic alignment. And while you can't lose points in either, the ratio between them is important to determine your character.

Luck is mostly left up to the dice, but you do receive Luck tokens for every 1 that you roll, and loose one for every 99 you roll. Luck tokens can be used to nudge a roll by one point each.

Most NPC's you meet will have 1D6 Luck Tokens.

2. Character Progression.

There are no levels in this system. You progress by earning your skills and attributes in game by using daily actions.

The GM also awards XP for Perks.

Perks are special bonus' that require no maintenance, and can be bout with XP, occasionally granted by the GM for a Crowning moment of Awesome, and can be taught to a character from another character that already has it (Depending on what it is of course)

And the GM should only be giving one or two XP at a time for good combat/social interactions/roleplaying. Awesome player actions can even go as high as 3 to 5 XP awarded.

You start your character with the number of D6 you used to roll up your base stats times 50

So your standard player character using 4D6 for their stats should start with 200 XP to spend.

Note: Perks are still being worked on, and are not part of the game at this time.

3. Skills (Slightly out of date, needs to incorporate INT attr.)

Skills are gained by using daily actions to learn a skill. Note, that these rates are assumed to be achieved with teachers and sufficient resource material to learn the skill. Self-Study with proper resources carries a penalty of doubling the number of daily actions needed to achieve a skill point.

If you're self-studying a skill without proper resources to learn that skill, then you will need a GM approved related skill(s) and 4 times as many actions to learn it, as you are essentially inventing the skill as you go along. And you won't be able to develop it higher than the related skill(s).

High level skills (75+) will need maintenance to keep them from getting rusty and degrading over time. It is highly suggested that in your skill list, that you list the day that you perform these, and next due date for the maintenance action to help remind you to keep your skill up.

For skill level 1-25, each point costs a single daily action to learn. At 25 points, you have a basic proficiency of the skill, roughly equivalent to a High school level.

For 25-50, each point costs two daily actions to learn. 50 points is roughly equivalent to a two year degree.

50-75, each point costs 4 daily actions, and is equivalent of a Bachelor's Degree.

75-100, each point costs 8 daily actions, and is equivalent to a Master's Degree. And this is where you need to start maintaining your skills by studying/practicing. For 75-100 skill points, you need to spend one daily action every 90 days to maintain your skill level. if you do not spend an action for maintenance, you will lose one skill point every week after that 90 days until you are below 75 skill points.

For 100 points plus, each point costs 16 daily actions, and at 125 points, you have the equivalent of a Doctorate Degree in the subject. Skill points past 100 are a little different, as you're pushing past what is known and teachable to reach into new frontiers and developing new technology and techniques for the skill.

So these actions are double use for technical skills, as the actions spent to gain post 100 skill points can be used in research for new technology, such as researching a new generation of a piece of equipment, or just general research into increasing your civilizations tech level.

To maintain such a high skill rating, you will have to spend one action every 30 days to keep your skills up. Once the 30 days are up, if you don't spend a skill maintenance action, then your skill points will degrade at one a week until you either do, or it drops down low enough that you don't have to maintain your knowledge.

4. Attribute Growth

Attributes can be increased similar to skills, but are based on the number of D6 you roll at character creation.

Players and NPC's in organic bodies can increase their physical stats by training and their mental stats with studying and problem solving.

Organic bodies stat's can can be trained up to a maximum of 200% of the max score of their D6. That is the physical and mental limit that your body can achieve without additional enhancement.

Some bonus' can increase this, like exceptional attributes and good Genetic Engineering bonus adding an extra D6 to your base stats. These are to be considered part of your base stats after you get it, and all the extra D6 from these are to be added in addition to your base stats when determining maximum capacity of your character's body.

Note, only enhancements that add a D6 are to be counted, minor enhancements that don't use a D6 and only add a base points to your attributes are to be ignored for the purposes of these calculations.

Mechanical, or organic bodies that have been engineered as far as they can be engineered, can no longer be enhanced through training, and require new technology and parts to increase their stats. They also have no maintenance beyond what is required for the health/regular maintenance to keep the bodies healthy/in good repair. But they tend to start with very high stats anyway, so no loss there.

We'll be using humans as the demonstration species, but as stated above, mechanical, max gene engineered, and some species have their own rules and exceptions.

For a 4D6 player, their average stats are 50% of max score, good is up to 100% max score, great levels are 150% max score, and Olympic/Professional levels is up to 200% max score.

To raise a below average stat up to average, you need 5 daily actions per point, and no maintenance.

To raise an average stat up to good, you need 10 daily actions per point, and one maintenance action per 90 days to maintain it, with one point lost every week without it until you take your maintenance action, or drop low enough to no longer need a maintenance action.

To raise a good stat up to great, you need 20 actions per point, and one maintenance action per 30 days to maintain it, with one point lost every week without it until you take your maintenance action, or drop low enough to no longer need a maintenance action.

To raise a good stat up to Olympic/Professional levels, you need 40 actions per point, and one maintenance action every week to maintain it, with one point lost every week without it until you take your maintenance action, or drop low enough to no longer need a maintenance action.

So, a 4d6 player will have a max possible score of 24 for each stat, barring excellent attributes and enhancements. That can be trained up to double that, for a max score of 48 for top level Olympic athletes/genius'.

Technology Advancement

Technology has two parts to describe it, Tech Level, and Generation.

Tech Level is the general level of technology a civilization has, and Generations determine how effective they can make their equipment with that technology.

Tech Level determines Base size, cost, and effectiveness, while Generations change the effectiveness and cost of the base technology.

Tech Levels describe the general level of technical advancement you tech base has achieved.

Tech Level Description Modifier Research to next lvl.
A Hand made 100 10 Million RP
B Industrial Rev. 50 1 Billion RP
C Space, Information Age 25 1 Trillion RP
D GDI, GiTS, Crisis 20 1 Quadrillion RP
E ME, GND, FF, VNQ, SC, M Fed10 1 Quintillion RP
F Macross, SG Travellers 8 1 Sextillion RP
G ? 6 1 Septillion RP
H ? 5 1 Octillion RP

And so on and so on. I suggest for the number definitions (US numbers)

(Note: This is still a work in progress, and is subject to change.)

Generations are incremental increases in technology, not revolutionary, so each Generation you add on to a piece of equipment increases it's cost by 50%, and it's effectiveness by 25%.

Base Tech Level Equipment is considered to be Generation 0

With some research, Generations also reduce the production cost of previous generations of equipment as well. Each Generation will reduce each Generation of the same line behind it by 5% due to the better tech and manufacturing techniques used to build the more advanced Generations being used on the less advanced Generations.

Example, a Generation 5 Fighter Jet Engine will make a Generation 4 Jet Engine 5% cheaper to produce, and make a Gen 2 Fighter Jet Engine 15% cheap, and a Gen 0 Fighter Jet Engine 25% cheaper.

These discounts are applied to the base cost, and are not part of the base cost.

These discounts from generational technology can only go as high as 50%. Though other bonus' can be applied on top of that.

To research a Generation, take the base cost of the unit you want to improve, such as the above Jet Engine. To go from Gen 0 to Gen 1, take the Gen 0 Base Production Cost and multiply it by 100 to get the RP cost for the research.

For each additional Generation, multiply by another 10. So from Gen 1 to Gen 2 will be Base Production Cost x 100 x 10, Gen 2 to Gen 3 will be Base Prod. Cost x 100 x 10 x 10, etc.

To Research a new model of the same technology, such as a new Jet Engine for a new model of light fighter, you can cut your research cost in half for the new model, as long as the new model is smaller than the original. If it's larger, then you only cut your research cost by 25%. These bonus' are only applicable up to where you've researched though, so if you only have Gen 5 tech, then after that you'll be back to full price to research Gen 6 tech.

Fortnightly, all this research into better Generations of Equipment has many beneficial side effects, from better metallurgy, electronics, design, to manufacturing technology. So every RP used for improved Generations also counts as 1/4 an RP toward improving your civilization's Tech Level.

To research the Advanced Generation discount for lower Generations, you need to multiply the Generation of equipment your re-designing's Cost (not counting any previous discounts) x 5 for each Generation Behind it is to account for the increasing change of technology and engineering involved between Generations of Equipment.

Example: Using Generation 5 Jet Engine Tech, to redesign a Generation 2 Jet Engine will cost the Generation 2 Jet Engine's Production cost, minus any previously applied Generation discounts, times the discount you are applying.

In this case, you are applying a 15% discount to the Gen 2 Jet Engine, so you take it's production cost and multiply it by 15 to achieve the research cost to adapt the new technology towards a new, cheaper engine.

This engine would then be called a Generation 2.5 Jet Engine, since it uses Gen 5 technology to make it cheaper.

You can also research generations for lower Tech Levels, but those RP spent will not count toward your next Tech Level goals.

Ship Construction: (out of date)
1. Choose Ship length (in Meters) and shape

2. Determine Ship Tonnage

A few equations for different shapes are included here, but cylinder is the one most likely for ships, because it's easier to configure for high acceleration stresses. Not to mention that most FTL systems work best with a cylinder shaped ship.

Though there are exceptions. Such as designs in your Tech Base, or if you want specific shapes and/or dimensions for your ship. Refer to your specific Tech Base for details.

Cylinder (Length x {Length x 0.4} x {Length x 0.4} x 0.66)

Sphere (Length x Length x Length x 0.66)

Cube (Length x Length x Length)

The answer to these equations will be in tons that will be spent on armor, weapons, crew, supplies, and various extras.

3. Choose Ship Type

Ship types determine the quality and expense of materials that make up the backbone of your ship, and are what everything else is mounted too. It provides Structural Points (SP), which is the amount of damage a ship frame can take before being completely destroyed.

SP are consumed like armor, and can be repaired 5% per every 1% ship tonnage of spare parts.

Roughly, if your ship is between 75 and 50% structure, it's fully repairable, but will need dockyard time equal to 25% of your ships construction time and RP. 50-25%, heavy frame damage, will need a full refit from the frame up, will cost 75% of ship's construction time and RP cost to repair. 25% and lower, you can fix it up just enough to limp home at minimum speed, but she'll never fly again.

Civilian Ships are weaker and cheaper than military ships.
1 Structure Point (SP) / Tech Level x Total Tonnage
Total tonnage x Tech Level x 100 PP

Military Ships are tougher, but lots more expensive.
5 SP / Tech Level x Total Tonnage
Total tonnage x Tech Level x 500 PP

4. Choose an STL Drive

STL Drives are determined by the % of the ship's total tonnage..

There are two general types, Civilian and Military. Some tech bases will have similar drive technology, but some will have different drives.

STL Drives use Movement Points, or MP, which represent their agility in combat.

As an Example and baseline:

Civilian Fusion Torch Drives
100 ton minimum, 10 MP per % of ship tonnage
1000 PP x tech level x ton of engine

Military Anti-Matter Drives
1000 ton minimum, 100 MP per % of ship tonnage
10,000 PP x tech level x ton of engine

5. Choose an FTL Drive

FTL drives are also determined by the % of the ship it uses, and it's effects and efficiency can vary greatly between techbases.

FTL Drives use FTL Points, or FP, which tells you how far the ship can travel in a day. An FP is about 1/4 of a light year.

ME FTL Drives
ME Eezo Drives have several special rules regarding their operation.

Civilian Eezo Cores
1 FP per % of ship tonnage
Has three critical slots
1000 PP x tech level x ton of engine
60% of FTL Drive tonnage (round up) is Eezo
For each FP you have, multiply your MP by 1.
Discharge rules are 5 hours +1 hour per % of FTL drive.

Military Eezo Cores
2 FP per % of ship tonnage
Has five critical slots
10,000 PP x tech level x ton of engine
80% of FTL Drive tonnage (round up) is Eezo
For each FP you have, multiply your MP by 10.
Discharge rules are 10 hours +1 hour per % of FTL drive.

6. Crew

Civilian Vessels
1 Crew / 20,000 tons of ship
Military Vessels
1 Crew / 5,000 tons of ship

Crew accommodations and work spaces are automatically incorporated into the ship design, and are considered 'free'.

For modules that are designed to be temporarily removed from the ship for short periods of time (No more than 3 days, max), divide crew requirements per ton by 100 for when it is detached. Reminder: Detachable sections, modules, yachts, etc. Need to be designed as their own ship, with SP, AR, SH, MP, FP, and etc.

They still count as part of the mass of the mother ship as far as crew, STL, and FTL engines go.

Crew numbers could also be modified by perks, such as 'Heavy Automation Assistance' (Add 10% to base PP cost, reduce Crew Total by 20%), and 'Self-Repairing' (?)

Pure AI or Digital Crew with no need of physical bodies beyond mobile platforms for maintenance and operation have the same crew numbers as regular, unless otherwise stated. A human level AI/Digital intelligence needs 50,000 RP of computer capacity to comfortably live and work.

Mobile Platforms can vary, but I'll go with an average of 20,000 PP for human level performance.

Human and AI/Digital Crew can be interchangeable, as long as needs for both are met.

Computers: 1,000,000 RP per ton x (tech level / 10)
Cost: 1000 PP x Tech Level x computer tonnage.

Quantum Computers (Gundam 00 Tech) are 1,000,000,000 RP per ton x (tech level / 10)
Cost: 2000 PP x Tech Level x computer tonnage.

Ships also need its total tonnage in RP for normal operations, which can not be used for research.

Passengers on the other hand, are not considered 'free'.

Steerage Class, which is a large room full of bunks with a communal head.
2 ton per passenger.
Cost is (10 PP x tech level) x number of passengers

2nd Class, is a small room with fold down bed/desk, with a small private head in the back.
3 tons per passenger
Cost is (50PP x tech level) x number of passengers

1st Class, is a common room with a dining area and small kitchen, a small bedroom, a small office, and a medium sized private head.
5 tons per passenger
Cost is (100 PP x tech level) x number of passengers

Luxury Suite, is a large common room, offset kitchen, dining room, three bedrooms, an office, and 4 large heads.
10 tons per passenger
Cost is (1000 PP x tech level) x number of passengers

7. Supplies

Crew need food, and your ship needs spare parts.

For every 1% of your ships tonnage you devote to spare parts, you can repair 10 critical hits on any subsystem on your ship. Temporarily. All of those emergency repairs will have to be ripped out and properly repaired at full cost to be fully repaired. Spare Parts can only restore function.

Spare armor is stored separately on a ton for ton basis. EX: You have 5% Spare Parts storage, and 5% Spare Armor storage.

Structure repairs use spare parts, and are used at a 5 to 1 percentage ratio. Meaning to fix 5% of Structure Damage, you need to use 1% of spare parts.

Spare Parts Cost: Tonnage x Tech Level x ship type (100 for civilian, 500 for military, barring exemptions) / 4

You may also install mining and manufacturing equipment in sufficiently large units. They follow standard refining and manufacturing equipment rules. They also need their tonnage in RP from the ship's computers to properly run.

Mining/Refining Machinery
Can scoop up any resource rich solid material, melt it down, and refine the Resource Units to go to the Manufacturing units to be turned into usable items. (100 RU's per ton for standard ore, twice for rich asteroids, half for poor asteroids. Roll 1D6, 1-2 poor, 3-5 normal, 6 rich.)
Mining Capacity: 100 tons of ore processed per (Tech Level x 2) Tons of mining machinery per action.
Cost: 1,000 PP x Tech Level x Tonnage

General Manufacturing Equipment
Can make most anything with a bit of adjustment, but limited to similar types, like tanks, fighters, ammo, shipyard, etc. As long as what your switching over to making is similar, it'll work.
Generally takes a day or so to switch over to a new product, a month to switch over to a new type.
Production Capacity: 100 PP per Ton
Cost: 100 PP x Tech Level x Tonnage

Dedicated Assembly Equipment
Manufacturing equipment designed to mass produce a single item, much harder to convert over to another item, but greater capacity and efficiency. Can be converted to a new item, if similar, for 25% of it's cost.
Production Capacity: 500 PP per Ton
Cost: 120 PP x Tech Level x Tonnage

Sub-Component Bonus
When you have a general Manufacturing unit or Dedicated Assembly Array focusing on building a single sub component, such as a 10,000 ton STL Engine, that Production unit get's a 10% bonus to it's PP production (Every PP produced must still consume an RU though)

For your Crew, 1 ton of supplies can feed a hundred crew for a day, or one crew for a hundred days.

It is recommended that you always have enough supplies for minimum 30 days on hand at all times.

Supplies Cost: Tonnage x 100PP

(Note: Your supplies need to come from a food source, as your organic crewmen can't survive off a 100 PP worth of Iron for a 100 days each)

For ships, stations, and facilities large enough, you can install a self contained Hydroponics Bay.
Minimum size is 100 tons to manufacture 1 tons of Supplies per day.
Cost: Hydroponics Bay Tonnage x Tech Level x 1000 PP

5. Armor your Ship

Ship Armor comes in Vehicle Points, to counter Vehicle Damage from Vehicle grade Weapons

Vehicle Points are equal to 1000 Armor Points used in personal Armor.

Armor is added on by the ton. How many vehicle points you get per ton is determined by the tech base.

Standard Civilian ME armor is 1 Vehicle Points / Tech Level per ton of armor.
Cost: Tonnage x [Tech Level x 100PP]

Military ME Armor is 10 Vehicle Points / Tech Level per ton of Armor.
Cost: Tonnage x [Tech Level x 1000PP]

Silaris ME Armor is 20 Vehicle Points / Tech Level per ton of Armor.
Cost: Tonnage x [Tech Level x 10,000P]

6. Weapons

Weapons is how you reduce enemy Armor, subsystems, and Structure till they are destroyed.

For ships, vehicles, and any weapon that weighs more than a ton, you'll be using Vehicle Damage (VD) to describe it's output.

Like personal combat, there are also two range brackets for space combat, Close Range (GUARDIAN Lasers, small mass drivers, etc.) and Long Range (Large Mass Drivers, Missiles, etc.)Refer to your Tech Base for details

The distance between Long and Close Range is 100,000 meters. All ships will start off at Long Range, unless homing in on an active beacon using FTL (the Collector ship sneak attacking the SR2 after the Reaper IFF is installed), or having sensors at least 2 effective tech levels above the target ship. (This can be achieved by either being 2 tech levels above said ship, or having ship 'perks' that boost your sensor capabilities enough to approximate 2 tech levels above the target ship, or remote platforms giving you real time positioning data on your target, and any other objects within 100,000 meters of it.)

In which case, you can FTL straight into Close Range if you have a lock on them.

Ships FTL at 100,000 to avoid accidentally ramming their target, which would not be good for anyone involved. Only homing in on a beacon, or

To close the distance from long range to short range of an enemy target, compare your MP to the enemies MP. The difference between them is how fast you close in on them, or how fast the enemy runs away from you.


The Normandy SR1 has 32,000 MP, so it can get to Close Range in 4 turns to a stationary target.

Against a Generic Cruiser with 8,000 MP, the Normandy would close in on it at 24,000 meters per turn, taking 5 turns before it could get to Close Range.

Firing Long Range Weapons follows a formula to determine hits and misses.
(Your MP / Target MP) x (Your Sensor / Target ECM)
(Sensors, ECM, ECCM and such will be covered in the Electronic Warfare module.)

Close Range Weapon odds are similar, but the MP part counts four times as much.
[(Your MP / Target MP) x 4] x (Your Sensor / Target ECM)

So your four times as likely to hit the enemy at Close Range than at Long Range.
But you can't use Long Range Weapons at Close Range, nor can you use Close Range weapons at Long Range.

ME Mass Driver weapons are determined by tonnage and VD.
Weapon Tonnage: (Weapon Length (Not to exceed length of Vehicle) x (10% Length x 2)
10% of Weapon Tonnage to be comprised of Eezo
Weapon Damage: (Weapon Tonnage x 50 VD / Tech Level) (+1% VD per ton of Eezo)
ROF: once every (% of ships mass / 3) turns (Max ROF = Weapon Tonnage / 10)
Cost: Weapon Tonnage x Tech level x 5000 PP
Projectile, Long Range

Disruptor Torpedoes work differently, being one shot weapons. Their Eezo Warheads give them exceptional maneuverability and the rapidly shifting grav fields allow them to tear through K-Barriers and most shields with relative ease.

Light ME Disruptor Torpedoes are 10 tons.
Damage: Weapon Tonnage x (1000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost : (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Disruptor Torpedoes are 25% Eezo for the Disruptor Warhead.
75% Critical Hit Bonus vs. K-Barriers, 50% Critical Bonus vs Armor
Missile, Short Range, High Maneuverability (+50% chance against PD)

Medium ME Disruptor Torpedoes are 100 tons, and do
Damage: Weapon Tonnage x (1000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost : (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Disruptor Torpedoes are 25% Eezo for the Disruptor Warhead.
75% Critical Hit Bonus vs. K-Barriers, 50% Critical Bonus vs Armor
Missile, Long Range, High Maneuverability (+50% chance against PD)

Heavy ME Disruptor Torpedos are 250 tons
Damage: Weapon Tonnage x (1000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost : (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Disruptor Torpedoes are 25% Eezo for the Disruptor Warhead.
75% Critical Hit Bonus vs. K-Barriers, 50% Critical Bonus vs Armor
Missile, Long Range, High Maneuverability (+50% chance against PD)

Torpedo Launchers are either External Mounts (Can only Mount 10% of Ship Tonnage in external weapons/equipment for -10% MP) that can't be reloaded, and Internal Launchers (Internal Launchers weight equal to 10 times the Torpedo it launches, that can be reloaded.
Internal Launcher Cost is Tonnage x Tech Level x 1000 PP (External Mounts are Launcher Cost / 1000)

ROF for launchers is (Tonnage x Tech Level / 10,000) turns per missile/torpedo

Damage per Shot (Tonnage / Tech Level x 100 VD)
There are two firing modes, Anti-Ship/Fighter, and Point Defense for GUARDIAN Lasers.
Anti-Ship/Fighter, Full damage shots at AS/F ROF
AS/F ROF: (Tonnage x Tech Level / 1,000) Turns per shot
Point Defense, each shot can be allocated to a missile/swarm of missiles. The more shots allocated, the more likely you are to destroy those missiles. For Swarms, the number of lasers determines how many of them are shot down.
PD ROF: (Tonnage x Tech Level / 10,000) Turns per shot
Energy Weapon, Close Range

1 km asteroid (average)
66,000,000,000 RU
660,000,000 tons

Ship designs (very out of date)

3 Star Heavy Industrial Ship.
2,062,500,000 tons Main Body
57,000,000 tons Rear Drydock/Boom
Total Tonnage: 2,119,500,000 tons

Rear Collapsible Drydock/Boom
5.7 km long x 100m x 100m
57,000,000 tons
67,058,824 SP
Base Cost: 67,058,824 PP
Total Cost: 6,772,941,224 PP

Comprises entirely of folded up scaffolding, transport systems, workstations, and construction robot limbs, this drydock takes parts from the 3 Star Factory ship and uses them to construct ships of nearly any size thanks to being able to unfold to nearly any shape and size.
Add x100 Drydock base Cost for this equipment.
Cost: 6,705,882,400 PP

Construction Crew needs are the same as military ship crews, but these live on the Factory ship itself, in addition to it's own crew, so their quarters must be calculated.

Drydock Construction Crew: 11,400

Main Body
2,062,500,000 tons
175,312,500,000 PP, Base Cost

336,204,200 tons of General Shipyard Manufacturing Equipment next to the Drydock/Boom
Produces: 1,977,671,212 PP per day.
Cost: 285,773,570,000 PP

New Macross Carrier
1.5 km long.
51,679,750 tons
(11,000,000 tons for detachable main gun pod)
258,398,750 Structure
(64,705,882 SP for detachable Main Gun Pod)
21,963,893,750 PP, Base Cost
87,855,575,000 PP, Base Cost after Transformation Equipment
Total Cost (empty): 721,849,992,050 PP (Big changes have been made, redo)
Modular Construction
Modular units make this ship vastly easier to patch up in battle as well as making full repairs taking only half as much time to make repairs. But Repairs will cost 10% more because of the modular system forcing you to replace a good deal of working equipment along with the damaged equipment in those modular compartments. It's easier to just replace the whole thing after a certain point.

Transformation Equipment
This unit is designed to rapidly transform into a humanoid form, giving you the ability to punch your enemies in the face with an aircraft carrier!
Also capable of re-arranging modules to achieve function, remove one crit from main weapon when transformed, restore when untransformed.
Requires Modular Construction
Base Cost and STL Drive Cost, are Quadrupled.

ANTI-GRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: This unit is equipped with a standard anti-gravity propulsion system used to help with space maneuvering, planetary landings and liftoffs. The system multiplies ships MP by 10. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.
Increase STL cost by 100% of it's base cost

Railgun (4)
150 meters long
4500 tons each
Total Tons: 18,000
26,471 VD, 45 shots/turn ea.
Round Mass: 1.5 tons ea.
Round Cost: 127 PP ea.
(Macross Railgun weapons.
Weapon Tonnage: (Weapon Length (Not to exceed length of Vehicle) x (10% Length x 2)
Weapon Damage: (Weapon Tonnage x 5 VD / Tech Level)
ROF: once every (% of ships mass[round up] / 3) turns (Max ROF = Weapon Tonnage / 100)
Round Mass:(Length x 0.01)
Round Cost: Round Mass x Tech Level x 100 PP
Cost: 19,125,000 PP each (Weapon Tonnage x Tech level x 5000 PP)
Projectile, Extreme Bombardment Capable (Can shoot anything, needs time for projectile to arrive based on distance)
Total Cost: 76,500,000 PP Total.

18,000 Rounds Stored
27,000 tons
Cost: 2,286,000 PP

Heavy Missile Launchers (Internal) (Cool
2500 tons each
Total Tons: 20,000
ROF: 5 Missiles/Turn
Cost: 2,125,000 PP each
Total Cost: 17,000,000 PP

4000 Heavy Missiles Stored
1,000,000 tons
8,500,000,000 PP

Macross Heavy Missiles are 250 tons
Macross Anti-Ship Missiles are capped with nuclear fusion warheads, giving them incredible damage, though nothing like what a Reaction Warhead can do.
29,412,000 VD
Damage: Weapon Tonnage x (100,000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost : 2,125,000 PP (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Missile, Guided (x5 to hit), Long Range

Reaction Warhead Missiles are x 10,000 Damage, and x 1,000 Cost.

Retractable Laser Turrets (300)
100 tons ea.
Total Tonnage: 30,000
Damage: 14,706 VD
ROF: 12 shots per turn, ea. (3600 shots total/turn)
Cost: 850,000 PP each.
Total Cost: 255,000,000 PP (Has been changed, redo production totals)
Energy Weapon, Close Range Only, AMS

Macross Retractable Laser Turrets, 100 tons
More developed than the ME GUARDIAN Lasers, These Laser systems are standardized among nearly all factions in Macross-Verse as Anti-Missile/Fighter systems
It's shots can be allocated to a missile/swarm of missiles. The more shots allocated, the more likely you are to destroy those missiles. For Swarms, the number of lasers determines how many of them are shot down.

Each laser shot has a 1% chance to hit a missile down or hit a fighter. Each extra shot stacks it's chance on top of the last, so a 100 shots will give you a 100% chance to hit, barring any perks the enemy has to avoid PD or such.
Damage per Shot (Tonnage / Tech Level x 125 VD)
ROF: (Tonnage x Tech Level / 1,000) Turns per shot
Cost: (Weapon Tonnage x Tech level x 10,000 PP)
Energy Weapon, Close Range, Long Range

Anti-Fighter/Mech Missile Launchers (12) (Changed, redo totals)
100 tons each
Total Tons: 1,200
ROF: 118 Missiles/Turn ea.
Cost: 85,000 PP each
Total Cost: 1,020,000 PP

Macross Anti-Fighter/Mech Missiles are 10 tons, and do
Damage: 117,647 Weapon Tonnage x (10,000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost: 85,000 PP (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Missile, Close Range

141,600 Medium Missiles Stored (Changed, redo totals)
Total Tons: 1,416,000
Total Cost: 12,036,000,000 PP

38,392,750 tons left.
516798 tons (1%)

STL Drives
10,335,960 tons (20%)
2000 MP
Cost: 87,855,660,000 PP
351,422,640,000 PP after Transformation Equipment Cost.
(Military Reaction Drives
100 MP per % of ship tonnage (Or Weapon Tonnage in this case, include the drive's tonnage in the total mass as well. It has to push itself too)
Cost: 10,000 PP x tech level x ton of engine
5 Critical Slots, MP cut by 1/2 every critical hit)

28,056,790 tons left.

FTL Drive
5,167,980 tons (10%)
Cost: 43,927,830,000 PP

Macross Fold Drive
Fold Drive must take up 10% of ship's mass or more, and moves at 4 FP per 6 minutes, or 960 FP max per day. This is the limit of our current understanding of Fold Drive Technology, and nothing faster is currently possible, even theoretically. Perks can be added for such abilities as Low Maintenance (Reduce maintenance ??%, [I haven't made the upkeep system yet, okay?], add either 25% mass or PP cost to Drives),

Fold Drives take 10 minutes to charge before jumping.

Using standard Fold Drives, you have a 1% chance every 1000 FP of travel during Folding of coming across a Fold Wave, dumping you out of Hyperspace before you reach your destination with 25% your FTL takes a Critical Hit, a 5% chance that it takes a second Critical Hit, and a 1 % chance that it takes a third Critical Hit.

If you can still Fold, you must make several small Space Folds to go around the wave, increasing your total journey time by 4 times to reach your destination.

Military FoldSpace Drive
960 FP
Tonnage: Must be 10% or higher
Cost: Tonnage x Tech Level x 10,000 PP
5 Critical Slots, FP cut by half for every crit the FS drive gets.


Crew: 10,336

Supplies, Hydroponics Bay: 104,000 tons
Produces: 104 tons of supplies per day.
Cost: 88,400,000 PP

Spare Parts: 2,583,988 tons (5% Ships mass)
Cost: 168,298,725 PP

Mining Equipment
5723 tons,
Cost: 4,864,550 PP
Capacity: 336598 tons of ore per day.

Resource Unit Storage (10,000 RU's per ton)
3366 tons
Cost: 33,660,000 RU

General Manufacturing Equipment
572,220 tons
Cost: 486,387,000 PP
Capacity: 3,365,975 PP of production.

Mining and Manufacturing Equipment is to allow the New Macross to conduct repairs and replace ordinance without needed to visit a factory ship, repair yard, drydock, etc., though it is rather time consuming with such limited facilities on board.


10,867,545 tons.
AR: 195,615,810
Cost: 9,237,413,250 PP

Macross Military Armor is 15 Vehicle Points / Tech Level per ton of Armor.
Cost: Tonnage x [Tech Level x 1000PP]

Pinpoint Barrier Defense System
2,583,988 tons (5% Ships mass)
5 Barriers
Shield Strength: 25,839,875 SS Each Barrier, 2,583,988 SS Regen per turn.
Cost: 21,963,893,750

Discovered by Macross after it's ill fated Space Fold from Earth in the opening days of Space War I, the remaining ruins of the ship's Fold Drive offered scientists on board a look into an area of knowledge thought lost with the fall of the Protoculture.

This new branch of energy science became a powerful defensive system, capable of repelling attacks of enormous damage, and save the Macross many time, and has been a staple of UN Spacy ships ever since.

For every % of ship's mass, can generate a barrier that can absorb 10% of Ships SP in damage each. Regens 1% of ships SP per turn. Each PP Barrier can intercept 8 attacks per turn.

Barrier's can stack to resist attacks at combined Shield strength x number of barriers are being stacked. Barriers stacked like this are disrupted for 1D10 turns if damage absorbed is less than total stacked shield strength, if damage exceeds stacked shield strength, You have a 50% chance for stacked barriers to absorb all damage, but they will be disrupted for 1d100 turns.

PP Barrier Cost is Tonnage x Tech Level x 10,000 PP)

Barrier Shield System
5,167,980 tons (10%)
SH (Barrier): 387,598,125 SS, Regens 25,839,875 SS per turn.
Cost: 8,785,660,000 PP

The evolution of the Pin Point Barrier Defense System, the Barrier Shield is an all encompassing force field that can stop all attacks, at the cutting edge of defensive Barrier technology, it can intercept all attacks against the ship.

Early versions, like the one originally developed on the Macross, tended to explode outwards after absorbing more energy than it could handle, posing an extreme risk to surrounding ships and landscape. This issue has finally been fixed, and the barrier shield can now be safely used.

Though PP barriers can not be used while the Barrier Shield is up, since they are under the Shield, and thus unable to intercept attacks, nor can they overload when absorbing too much damage, leaving the ship undamaged, if with a fried shield system. Once the shield runs out of Shield Strength, all other damage overflows straight to the PP Barriers and Armor.

For every % of ship's mass, Barrier Shield can absorb 15% of the ships SP of damage, and regens 1% of the ships SP every turn.
Once the shield has absorbed more damage than it can take, it is disabled for 1d20 turns for repairs.
Barrier Cost is Tonnage x Tech Level x 20,000 PP)

Aircraft Carrier Decks.
1,000,000 tons
Cost: 4,250,000,000 PP

Can hold 1/2 Aircraft Carrier Decks tonnage in aircraft, other half equipment, parts storage, ammo, food, quarters for pilots, mechanics, etc. Each aircraft requires a pilot and 2 mechanics.
4 Critical Slots due to it needing large open area's.
Cost: tonnage x (Tech Level x 5,000 PP)

New Macross Main Gun Pod
1 km long
Total Mass: 11,000,000 tons
4,675,000,000 PP, Base Cost
Total Cost: 434,402,267,500 PP (slight changes have been made, redo)

VD: 352,941,174
ROF: One shot per 6 turns, One shot per 60 turns detached
SP: 64,705,882
AR: 4,079,880 (changes, redo)
SH: 2 Barriers, 6,470,589 SS, 647,059 SS Regen/turn
MP: 300

Crew: 19 when detached
Supplies: 10 tons (53 days) Cost: 1000 PP
Spare parts: 1%, 110,000 tons Cost: 23,375,000 PP

Reaction STL Drive
330,000 tons
300 MP
2,805,000,000 PP
(Military Reaction Drives
100 MP per % of ship tonnage (Or Weapon Tonnage in this case, include the drive's tonnage in the total mass as well. It has to push itself too)
Cost: 10,000 PP x tech level x ton of engine
5 Critical Slots, MP cut by 1/2 every critical hit)

Main Weapon:
10,000,000 tons (Tonnage = Length x (10% Length x 10% Length)
352,941,174 VD (Damage = Tonnage x 10 VD / Tech Level + 10% VD per % of ships mass the weapon takes up (This includes the mass of the ship designed to carry it, if capable of operating independently), can fire once every (% of ships mass / 3) turns, if unconnected to the ship, firing time is x 10.)
Has 5 Critical Slots, rate of fire time doubled for every critical hit.
Cost: 425,000,000,000 PP (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level x 50,000 PP)

Armor: 339,990 tons
AR: 4,079,880
Cost: 28,891,500 PP

Macross Military Armor is 10 Vehicle Points / Tech Level per ton of Armor. (Changed, redo to 15 VD)
Cost: Tonnage x [Tech Level x 1000PP]

Shield System: Pin Point Barrier System
2%, 220,000 tons
Cost: 1,870,000,000
Two barriers, 6,470,589 Shield Strength each

Northampton Class Stealth Frigate
250 m Length

Long Range Damage:
22,058,824 VD x2 every turn
29,412,000 VD x10 every turn (supplies for 10 turns)
1,338,750 VD x208 every turn

Close Range Damage:
14,706 VD x714 every turn
117,647 VD x708 every turn (supplies for 10 turns)

SH (Barrier Shield): 102,794,118 SS, Regens 685,295 SS per turn
SH (Pin Point): 6,852,942 SS Each Barrier, 685,295 SS Regen per turn (4 Barriers)
AR: 4,237,200
SP: 68,529,412

MP: 20,000
FP: 980
+50% Dodge
+20% Strike
+10% Initiative

STEALTH COMPOSITION: This unit features a 'stealth' hull which gives them advantage over enemy ships. This stealth composition hull disrupt enemy radar and tracking systems, making it difficult for them to lock onto the Frigate with sensors and weapons. This gives the Frigate a +30% to dodge, +20% to strike and +10% on initiative in combat WITH OTHER STARSHIPS ONLY. VFs and other close-range combat mecha are not affected by these systems, nor are Protodeviln.
Increase Base Cost and Armor Cost by 200% of base cost.

AGILE: The Northampton class frigates are extremely agile (in starship terms) and get an additional +20% to dodge (plus stealth bonuses) when avoiding fire from enemy starships or protodeviln.
Increase STL cost by 100% of it's base cost

ANTI GRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: This unit is equipped with a standard anti-gravity propulsion system used to help with space maneuvering, planetary landings and liftoffs. The system multiplies ships MP by 10. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.
Increase STL cost by 100% of it's base cost

HYPERSPACE COMMUNICATIONS: Based on the same technology as the space fold system, the hyperspace communications relay allows faster-than-light communication between UN Spacy star ships and other vessels or planetary bases. Hyperspace communications are still not instantaneous, however. Audio/video communication travels through hyperspace at a rate of about 1 second per 4000 light years (8,000 FP), so messages communicated over vast distances can still take seconds or minutes to arrive.
Add 1,000,000 PP to ship cost

SUBSPACE MASS SENSORS: This unit is equipped with standard capitol ship subspace sensors, which are based on the same principles as the hyperspace communications array. These sensors can essentially instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 100 AU (9.3 Billion miles) distant from the carrier, and the readings are used both for early warning and for navigation when traveling at sub-light speeds. Readings taken with the subspace sensors are not very detailed (-25% penalty when trying to identify a detected object) and cannot detect objects of less than 6,000 tons (this includes most variable fighters).
Add 10,000,000 PP to ship cost.

1,650,000 tons
SP: 68,529,412
Base Cost: 701,250,000 PP
+ 1,402,500,000 PP for Stealth
+ 1,000,000 PP for Hyperspace comms
+ 10,000,000 PP for Subspace Sensors
Total Base Cost: 2,114,750,000 PP
Total Ship Cost: 31,084,287,000 PP (Without Fighters)1

Macross Military Reaction STL Drives
330,000 tons (20%)
2000 MP (20,000 MP with Anti-Grav)
Cost: 2,805,000,000 PP
+ 2,805,000,000 PP for Agile Perk
+ 2,805,000,000 PP for Anti-Grav Perk
Total Cost: 8,415,000,000 PP
5 Critical Slots, MP cut by 1/2 every critical hit)

Macross Space Fold FTL Drive
165,000 tons (10%)
960 FP, 60 turn Charge before jump
Cost: 1,402,500,000 PP
5 Critical Slots

330 Crew

1175 tons (365 day supply, at 3.3 tons a day)
Cost: 117,500 PP

Spare Parts:
82,500 tons (5%)
Cost: 17,531,250 PP

45 tons of Mining Machinery
Production: 264,706 RU
Cost: 38,250 PP

General Parts and Munitions Manufacturing Machinery
44,200 tons
Production: 260,000 PP
Cost: 37,570,000 PP

Aircraft Carrier Deck
96,000 tons (6%)
(48 fighters up to 1000 tons each, max)
Cost: 408,000,000 PP
4 Critical Slots

Armor: 235,400 tons
AR: 4,237,200
Cost: 200,090,000 PP
+ 400,180,000 PP for Stealth Perk
Total Cost: 600,270,000 PP


Heavy Laser Cannons (2)
150,000 tons
Total tons: 300,000
Damage: 22,058,824 VD
ROF: once every turn
Cost: 1,275,000,000 PP ea.
Total Cost: 2,550,000,000 PP

Macross Heavy Laser Cannons, 150,000 tons
Anti-Capitol scale Laser weapons, these weapons pack a punch as large as they are.

Damage per Shot (Tonnage / Tech Level x 125 VD)
ROF: (Tonnage x Tech Level / 500) Turns per shot
Cost: (Weapon Tonnage x Tech level x 10,000 PP)
Energy Weapon, Close Range, Long Range

Heavy Missile Launchers (Internal) (2)
2500 tons each
Total Tons: 5000
ROF: 5 Missiles/Turn
Cost: 2,125,000 PP each
Total Cost: 4,250,000 PP

100 Heavy Missiles Stored (?)
25,000 tons
2,125,000,000 PP

Macross Heavy Missiles are 250 tons
Macross Anti-Ship Missiles are capped with nuclear fusion warheads, giving them incredible damage, though nothing like what a Reaction Warhead can do.
29,412,000 VD
Damage: Weapon Tonnage x (100,000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost : 2,125,000 PP (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Missile, Guided (x5 to hit), Long Range

Reaction Warhead Missiles are x 10,000 Damage, and x 1,000 Cost.

Medium Laser Cannons (Cool
15,000 tons ea.
Total Tons: 120,000
Damage: 1,338,750 VD
ROF: 26 per turn
Cost: 127,500,000 PP ea.
Total Cost: 1,020,000,000 PP

Macross Medium Laser Cannons, 15,000 tons
Anti-Vehicle scale Laser weapons, these weapons focus more on ROF than on sheer damage.
Damage per Shot (Tonnage / Tech Level x 105 VD)
ROF: (Tonnage x Tech Level / 500) Turns per shot
Cost: (Weapon Tonnage x Tech level x 10,000 PP)
Energy Weapon, Close Range, Long Range

Retractable Laser Turrets (70)
100 tons ea.
Total Tonnage: 7,000
Damage: 14,706 VD
ROF: 12 shots per turn, ea. (714 shots total/turn)
Cost: 850,000 PP each.
Total Cost: 59,500,000 PP (Has been changed, redo production totals)
Energy Weapon, Close Range Only, AMS

Macross Anti-Fighter/Mech Missile Launchers (6)
100 tons each
Total Tons: 600
ROF: 118 Missiles/Turn ea.
Cost: 85,000 PP each
Total Cost: 510,000 PP

Macross Anti-Fighter/Mech Missiles are 10 tons, and do
Damage: 117,647 Weapon Tonnage x (10,000 VD / Tech Level) (Rounded down)
Cost: 85,000 PP (Weapon Tonnage x Tech Level) x 10,000 PP
Missile, Close Range

708 Medium Missiles Stored (?)
Total Tons: 7,080
Total Cost: 6,018,000,000 PP

Pinpoint Barrier Defense System
66,000 tons (4% Ships mass)
4 Barriers
Shield Strength: 6,852,942 SS Each Barrier, 685,295 SS Regen per turn.
Cost: 701,250,000 PP

Barrier Shield System
165,000 tons (10%)
SH (Barrier): 102,794,118 SS, Regens 685,295 SS per turn.
Cost: 5,610,000,000 PP

The evolution of the Pin Point Barrier Defense System, the Barrier Shield is an all encompassing force field that can stop all attacks, at the cutting edge of defensive Barrier technology, it can intercept all attacks against the ship.

Early versions, like the one originally developed on the Macross, tended to explode outwards after absorbing more energy than it could handle, posing an extreme risk to surrounding ships and landscape. This issue has finally been fixed, and the barrier shield can now be safely used.

Though PP barriers can not be used while the Barrier Shield is up, since they are under the Shield, and thus unable to intercept attacks, nor can they overload when absorbing too much damage, leaving the ship undamaged, if with a fried shield system. Once the shield runs out of Shield Strength, all other damage overflows straight to the PP Barriers and Armor.

For every % of ship's mass, Barrier Shield can absorb 15% of the ships SP of damage, and regens 1% of the ships SP every turn.
Once the shield has absorbed more damage than it can take, it is disabled for 1d20 turns for repairs.
Barrier Cost is Tonnage x Tech Level x 20,000 PP)

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:16 pm

Wow, I'd forgotten just how hilariously complex I'd made that system.

Way to complex to actually use.

Fortunately, I've decided to completely redo it and am now basing it off Exalted's rules.

It's Battle and Social Combat systems seems to be much better suited for forum based RPG's than number heavy and map dependant action games like Palladin or D&D's system.

I'm still working through how the Exalted system works, and how to properly adapt it for forum use, but I'm massively streamlining everything to be far easier to use without having to constantly look through a hundred pages of endless easily forgettable details.

Last edited by Gear on Sat Jul 14, 2012 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Making some points clearer.)

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Mon Apr 22, 2013 2:00 am

Still working on it, I keep making it too complex for ease of use.

Trying to semi automate the gameplay by using googledocs spreadsheets to speed up the math.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Thu Jun 13, 2013 9:24 pm

I've been working on this for over a year.

It's time I actually get something done on it.

I've basically thrown out Exalted combat mechanics because they're terrible, and then got rid of Exalted's social combat because it's even worse.

Some feedback would be nice, if anyone even reads this thread.

For Combat, I'm thinking instead of hitpoints that I'm going to do a positional system, like arms and legs and such.  Weapons will come in two flavors, non-lethal, and lethal, with fixed damage values. (Except for Melee weapons, which are dependant on strength and agility)

In close range combat, you can aim for specific body parts, attack, roll for accuracy, modified by enemy dodge rating, damage modified by enemy shield/armor rating, and remaining damage modified by enemy Endurance rating (basically ignoring a certain amount of damage, or pushing it from lethal into non-lethal damage.

A successful attack can disable a limb for a turn, or more, for non-lethal damage, or induce severe bleeding/damage that will drain endurance as the fight goes on without medical treatment with lethal damage, or even blow it off entirely if it's high enough.

Social interaction is going to be a memory based system I'm working on, where beliefs and relationships are built up using memories gained through gameplay of importance.

Conversation will be about manipulating the importance or tone of those memories to reduce or increase the importance of certain beliefs and relationships, or even create new beliefs and relationships out of existing memories.

Assets like wealth are going to be a exponential rating system, like Wealth 1 is poor as dirt, while Wealth 5 is enough money to buy a palatial estate fully staffed with servants.

Wealth is going to be an abstraction of income, savings, and money generating methods that your character employs to keep getting goodies they want.

Those goodies will be priced in a similar way, if you have Wealth 5, a cost 4 car is something you can regularly afford.

That particular mechanic hasn't really changed much from Exalted at this point.

There will be similar mechanics for things like influence over organisations, contacts for information in those orgs, companies you own, etc.  Though I haven't really fleshed those out yet.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:16 am

Let's take another look at combat.

I've decided against an HP model, since that does nothing but lead to "I've lost 90% of my HP, but I'm still going to jump over that fence and beat that guy to death."

So I'm going with an additive type system, where you can do Lethal and Nonlethal damage to enemies, on specific body parts.

Each time to take a hit of Lethal or Nonlethal damage, it will cause a debuff on the affected body part.

There are of course ways to avoid taking Lethal or Nonlethal damage, by your enemy missing, you dodging/parrying, shields, armor, and natural endurance.

If your enemy succeeds his accuracy rolls and hits you, and you fail your dodge roll, then your shields, armor, and natural endurance will absorb damage from the attack when applicable.  (shields can have weak points, or just not work for some kinds of damage, such as ME kinetic barriers and energy weapons, armor isn't too good against AP attacks, and natural endurance isn't too good at resisting cutting attacks.)

Combat goes in turns, and turns have to parts, action and reaction.  Basically, you attack, they can dodge, block, parry, or counter-attack.

Let's have an example.  You and an enemy are in a fist fight in a back alley, both of you are unarmed, and only wearing regular clothes, which provides no special protection, and you both have average skills (2).

You decide to punch with your right arm, aiming for his head.

Attacks cost willpower to perform, and you can also go all in to an attack, which doubles your strength score that you add to your attack.  You can do this in two ways.  Either you can sacrifice your reaction on your enemies turn, or you can burn an extra point of willpower to force your the limb you used to move fast enough to get back into position to react to the enemies attack.

Willpower is derived from the Will attribute, at 4x.  For this example, both of you have 8 willpower.  The end of each turn will also restore a point a willpower to you.  If you start to run out of willpower, then you can either buy it back with limit (Explained further down after the first injuries) one for one, or let it run out, which will temporarily cost you a point of Will, and reset your willpower pool to your new Will number x4.

In this case, you would have used up your 8 willpower, dropping your will from 2 to 1, and start a new willpower pool of 4.  If you run out of willpower again, then the fight is over, as you no longer have the willpower to go on.  You would have given up.

1st turn.

To continue with the example, you're attack costs one willpower, dropping you to 7 wp.

Since you are in melee range, there are no range modifiers, and thus, you can't miss.  On your own at least.  If he wants to avoid that punch to the head, your enemy has to either block/parry or dodge.

He has elected to parry with his left arm.  Since Parrying is more difficult, he will have a -1 success on his rolls.  If successful, he can move your right arm out far enough out of position that you can't use it during the next turn.

This also costs him a point of wp.

You both have to roll perception and agility.  Him to see where your fist is, and to move his left arm fast enough to parry it in time.  You to see him trying to parry you, and to move your fist around his parry to hit his head.

Since this a dice pool system, you each get to roll 4 D10's.  7-9 is a success, 10 is a double success, and one is a double failure.  Double failures take away from any success' you roll.  For example, if you roll a 3, 4, 8, and a 1, then your one success will be canceled out by the 1, leaving you with 0.  But if you don't roll any success', and you roll a one, or multiple ones, then each one counts as a negative success.

Negative success' will carry over to the next turn on the body part/weapon you rolled on, but only to the next turn.  If you roll another negative success, then that will be the negative number you carry over to the next turn.  For example, if you acquired 2 negative success' on an accuracy roll trying to shoot an enemy, then the recoil from your bad aim has pushed your gun further away from your target, making it harder to hit on the next turn.

The player with the most success wins the conflict.  

The person that initiated combat, you, has the first set of dice rolls, as seen in this post in the Roleplaying subforum with the dice roller.

You managed to fail all of your rolls, and with that one, are at -1 success, while your enemy is quite comfortable with 3 (-1 for parry, leaving 2) success.

His parry forces your right arm up and out of the way, and now it's his turn to act.  

Since the turn is now over, both of you recover your willpower, returning both of you to 8 wp.

2nd turn.

He chooses to attack with his right arm against your right arm.  Once more, his wp is reduced to 7.

You can try to move your right arm further away to dodge, block/parry with your other arm, or even take the hit on your right arm and attack with another body part.  

You have elected to attack with your left arm against his now unprotected torso.  Your wp is now 7 as well.

You both get 4 dice each, but you're still carrying a negative success on your right arm from the last action, so that's an automatic -1 to your success.


Since the enemy is the attacker, his rolls are first.  He got 1 success, and since you're not defending your right arm, you negative success becomes a bonus success for him, since he is attacking your right arm.

Since neither attack was blocked or dodged, both hit, now you both add your strength to your rolls, and that's you damage.  Since you ended up with one success, and your enemy with two success', than means three nonlethal damage for your hit, and four for him.  Now subtract each others endurance for each hit, that leaves one nonlethal damage on the right side of his torso, and two nonlethal damage on your right arm.

Your right arm is now heavily bruised, and causes you pain to move it, which means -2 to your mental limit each time you move it, and an additional -2 to that limit next time it get's hit since it will hurt more.  It is now a weak spot for you.

You opponent only has one nonlethal damage on his torso, so he only get's -1 each time you move it, and an additional -1 next time he's hit there.

Now, since both characters have 2 Sanity, which determines their mental limits, they can both ignore the pain from those injuries right now.  But when somebody gets three non lethals, then it will take one point from your mental limits a turn.  When you run out of limit, then you have to talk to your GM about possible responses.  You'll need at least two character appropriate options for a minor mental break, which you then roll on to decide which one you're going to use.

All mental limit breaks should carry a small debuff.  For the first one.

Now, there are a few ways to deal with depleting limit.  You can let your limit deplete all the way, at which point, like willpower above, it will temporarily drop a point of sanity and reset the pool to the new sanity number, which would be 4 in this case.

You can buy limit with willpower, like how you can buy willpower with limit.  It's up to you as how you balance this.  I will say this, long term, it's much more damaging to run out of sanity than it is to run out of will.  

Will is relatively easy to recover.  Sanity, not so much.

Right now, you've come off slightly worse than your opponent, as while he has to move his torso every turn if he wants to move any of his limbs, he has the endurance to ignore the pain from doing so without using limit, while if you use your right arm again, it will cost you a point of limit.

The turn is now over, and both of you get a point of wp, reseting you both to 8 each.  Your right arm has 2 nonlethal damage, and his right torso has 1 nonlethal damage.

Turn 3.

It's your turn again, and you decide to attack his right torso with your left arm again, to try to increase his pain.  You pay a point of wp and wait for his reaction.

He has decided that he will try to parry against your attack again with a -1 to success.  He is now at 7 wp.

As the instigator of the conflict, your rolls were first.

Turn 3 Rolls

You have 2 success', while he has failed his parry miserably, with -1 success.

Your attack sales through his clumsy attempt to parry, and does 4 nonlethal damage, minus his endurance, leaving two more non-lethal damage to his right torso.

With the additional pain caused by hitting a tender spot, you manage to overcome his pain endurance to take away a point of his limit, leaving him with 7 limit.

His right torso is now very sore, and will be generating 3 pain every time he moves his torso, putting him one over his sanity threshold, which will begin to drain his limit pool.

It will now take 3 more from his limit if you manage to land a hit there again.

The turn is now over, and you both recover a wp, putting you both at 8 wp, and your enemy at 7 limit while you're still at 8.  You're right arm still has 2 nonlethal damage, and his right torso has 3 nonlethal damage.

Turn 4

Knowing he hast to defend his heavily injured torso now, he spends two wp to do an all in attack with his left leg, in an attempt to injure your right leg to give him a mobility advantage in the fight.

The all in attack will give him +1 success in the effort.  He is now at 6 wp, and the pain from moving his torso for the attack has left him at 6 limit.

You elect to try to dodge his kick by sidestepping to the left.  This costs you one wp, leaving you at 7.

Dodge, like parry, has a special effect.  Dodge will give you a +1 success on your next turn by repositioning yourself, by costing -1 success' on this turn.

Turn 4 rolls

You both have rolled 2 success, but with the -1 from dodging, you have failed to dodge, and the attack lands in full.

Since he's all in with this attack, he doubles his strength added to his roll, leaving him with 6 nonlethal damage to your leg, which minus your endurance, means you have received 4 nonlethal damage on your right leg.

This is over your pain threshold, costing you 2 limit.  If he hit's your leg again, it will cost you 4 limit in addition to what pain the attack itself causes.

Also, your leg may have a hairline fracture where his kick hit.  Either way, you're limping on it, stats using that limb to attack or defend are now halved, and now hurt's like a &!#%, and will cause you to lose 2 limit each turn from the pain, 4 limit if you try to take a step on it.

The turn is over, both of you receive one wp, putting you back to 8 wp, with 6 limit, and your enemy with 7 wp with 6 limit.  You're right arm has 2 nonlethal damage, your right leg has 4 nonlethal damage, and he has 3 nonlethal damage to his right torso.

Turn 5.

Time is of the essence now, you need to end this fight so you can get to a doctor.  Your positioning from last turn has given you an extra success for your next attack, so you spend 2 wp to go all in to use your left hand to attack his right torso.

Your enemy has to defend, so moves his right arm to block your attack, costing him a point of wp and limit, leaving him at 7 wp and 5 limit.

Blocking is easier than dodging or parrying, and carries no penalties or bonus to dice on this turn, or the next. but a successful block will still receive half damage to the limb that blocks the attack.

Turn 5 rolls

You have both rolled 3 success'.  But you have an extra from your dodge last turn, giving you 4 success' over his 3.  Your punch brushes over his right arm and hits his right torso, and with double strength giving you an additional 4 to your roll for a whopping 8 nonlethal damage to his right torso. minus his endurance, that adds 6 nonlethal damage, and since you're hitting an already injured body part, he endures 9 limit, 7, after you subtract his sanity rating.

Rather than let his limit run out and cost him a point of sanity, he buys 5 points of limit with wp, leaving him at 2 wp and 3 sanity.

But worse, is that you have now done 9 points of nonlethal damage to his right torso, which has exceeded his bodies toughness (strength{2}x4), and caused a point of lethal damage by hitting him hard enough to start internal bleeding.  Without medical help, he will lose consciousness in 8 turns (endurance{2}x4), no matter what non-medical actions are taken.

With the extreme pain from his torso, your opponent has decided that the fight isn't worth it, and is now more interested in getting to a hospital before he bleeds out.

You're not feeling much better about your leg, and since you won, decide that his suggestion sounds quite reasonable.

Besides, you leg hurts like hell.

I would also like to remind everyone that this fight was essentially between two NPC's, with average NPC stats.  Player combat would involve higher stats, armor, and weapons.  This was essentially a preview of what I envision my combat system to be.

I hope that this little combat primer has enlightened you all, and I look forward to your feedback.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Psyckosama Tue Jun 25, 2013 1:37 am

I'll give it a good solid look after I get a bit of rest.


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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Psyckosama Tue Jun 25, 2013 11:48 am

Having had a chance to look at it, it's pretty complicated.

For most forum games a more simple system might be worth looking into. For one of this complexity it might be better to go all out with a published system.


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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:45 pm

I need something a bit more than 'too complicated' in terms of feedback.

And honestly, It only looks overly complicated because I'm explaining how fighting works as we're doing it, and that bloated the word count by quite a bit.

The most complicated part of all this is the body part system.

I don't want to do a HP system, as that just leads to players going "I have one hitpoint left?  I'M GONNA KICK HIS ASS!"

A body part system may be more complicated, but it makes fights a lot more interesting.  And I am making a character sheet in google spreadsheet for easy tracking of injured body parts, willpower, and limit.

Willpower and Limit are there to keep players from being terminators, which is what they are with just an HP system.

The character sheet, being a spreadsheet, will be able to automate and speed up a good deal of the math involved, as it's not difficult to do.

If I was using the system as intended, the word count for the entire fight would have been cut at least by 3/4.  I wouldn't have to explain the rules, or keep track of players damage, wp, and limit in the post.

I'd use fields in a GM spreadsheet to keep track of that in another tab.

As I said at the beginning, I need more a more detailed criticism to work with instead of just 'too complicated'.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Ravenfeast Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:00 pm

Some rambling thoughts:

Hit Points and Terminatorism -

Classic Traveller didn't have hit points; the damage was taken directly from some of the stats, weakening the character and directly effecting the rolls. Body armor became very important, though some weapons ignored certain types of armor: stuff that stopped lasers were useless against swords and bullets. Powered armor worked against everything.

Another way:
Hit Points could have plateaus or break points that make attempting things more difficult the more damage your character takes:
100% HP to >75% HP - no effect
75% HP to >50% HP - negative modifier to do anything
50% HP to >25% HP - serious negative modifier to do everything
25% HP to >0% - why bother?
0% HP to -10% HP – unconscious
< -10% HP - dead

The system could have a different number of break points, and they wouldn't have to be evenly spaced: 
100% HP to >50% HP - no effect
50% HP to >25% HP - negative modifier to do everything
<25% HP to > 0% HP- serious negative modifier
0% HP to -25% HP – unconscious
<-25% HP - dead

Everyone could have the same break points, or each species could have its own set.

Taking enough damage in one attack to knock the character down an entire break point would cause them to be stunned.

Specific areas may be targeted, but at a negative modifier.

Make all damage lethal, but allow a skill check to disarm or knock out an opponent.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Psyckosama Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:18 pm

Gear wrote:I need something a bit more than 'too complicated' in terms of feedback.

It was a first impression. I'm planning on reading over it again and give a more detailed critique.


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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:42 pm

Interesting thoughts Ravenfeast.

Break points and negative modifiers would avoid the terminator effect, but I wanted something with a bit more granularity than that.

The reason I went with a body part system is because I think that it's mechanically interesting, and leads to some good possibilities with things like martial arts styles and encourages tactical thinking in fights.

I'm trying to make combat more interesting, I also don't want characters getting into an HP race.  HP can get ridiculous after a while, and I feel that it's a little too abstract to be enjoyable.  I know I've never particularly enjoyed HP based combat.

Let me clean up the example fight of all the explaining how the combat system works, keeping track of damage, and we'll see how it looks.

Psyckosama, I eagerly await some more feedback.

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Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA] Empty Re: Forum RPG System [UNNAMED] [ALPHA]

Post by Gear Tue Jun 25, 2013 7:05 pm

Gear wrote:Let's take another look at combat.

Let's have an example.  You and an enemy are in a fist fight in a back alley, both of you are unarmed, and only wearing regular clothes, which provides no special protection, and you both have average skills (2).

First turn.

You decide to punch with your right arm, aiming for his head.

He has elected to parry with his left arm. First Turn Rolls.

You managed to fail all of your rolls, and with that one, are at -1 success, while your enemy is quite comfortable with 3 (-1 for parry, leaving 2) success.

His parry forces your right arm up and out of the way, and now it's his turn to act.  

2nd turn.

He chooses to attack with his right arm against your right arm.  

You have elected to attack with your left arm against his now unprotected torso.


Since the enemy is the attacker, his rolls are first.  He got 1 success, and since you're not defending your right arm, you negative success becomes a bonus success for him, since he is attacking your right arm.

Since neither attack was blocked or dodged, both hit, now you both add your strength to your rolls, and that's you damage.  Since you ended up with one success, and your enemy with two success', than means three nonlethal damage for your hit, and four for his.  

The turn is now over

Turn 3.

It's your turn again, and you decide to attack his right torso with your left arm again, to try to increase his pain.  

He has decided that he will try to parry against your attack again.  

As the instigator of the conflict, your rolls were first.

Turn 3 Rolls

You have 2 success', while he has failed his parry miserably, with -1 success.

Your attack sales through his clumsy attempt to parry, and does 4 nonlethal damage, minus his endurance, leaving two more non-lethal damage to his right torso.

The turn is now over.

Turn 4

Knowing he hast to defend his heavily injured torso now, he chooses an all in attack with his left leg, in an attempt to injure your right leg to give him a mobility advantage in the fight.

You elect to try to dodge his kick by sidestepping to the left. 

Turn 4 rolls

You both have rolled 2 success, but with the -1 from dodging, you have failed to dodge, and the attack lands in full.

He does 4 nonlethal damage on your right leg.

The turn is over, 

Turn 5.

You go all in to use your left hand to attack his right torso.

Your enemy has to defend, so moves his right arm to block your attack.

Turn 5 rolls

You have rolled 4 success' over his 3.  

Your punch brushes over his right arm and hits, for a whopping 6 nonlethal damage.

Rather than let his limit run out and cost him a point of sanity, he buys 5 points of limit with wp, leaving him at 2 wp and 3 sanity.

But worse, is that you have caused a point of lethal damage by hitting him hard enough to start internal bleeding.  Without medical help, he will lose consciousness in 8 turns (endurance{2}x4).

With the extreme pain from his torso, your opponent has decided that the fight isn't worth it, and is now more interested in getting to a hospital before he bleeds out.

You're not feeling much better about your leg, and since you won, decide that his suggestion sounds quite reasonable.

Besides, your leg hurts like hell.

I would also like to remind everyone that this fight was essentially between two NPC's, with average NPC stats.  Player combat would involve higher stats, armor, and weapons.  This was essentially a preview of what I envision my combat system to be.

I hope that this little combat primer has enlightened you all, and I look forward to your feedback.

Goes faster like this, doesn't it?

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